Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I vote for Elizabeth Emken (Current Event #5)

         I would vote for Elizabeth Emken to be our United States senate because she does not give up and she is a problem solver. Elizabeth launched a campaign to insure coverage for autism related services. Emken also says she will do her best to tackle national dept and insist on passing a federal budget. She also states that she will revive economy by removing obstacles that are slowing down job growth. Elizabeth is also a fighter. She does not give up so easily like some other people would do.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Current Event #4

        In my opinion, I think that proposition 30 should give more money to public school. If proposition 30 is successful, than it wont guarantee money for education beyond the current general fun spending. This proposition will allow a lot of money for education but is bad for individuals who earn more than 250,000 and people who earn more than 500,000 dollars.
Prop. 34:
        I say yes to proposition 34 because people should not die, in my opinion. The people who does first-degree murder usually realizes their mistakes in prison. The family of the killer will appreciate seeing the killer in jail rather than visiting him or her at their grave. The killer's family will be sad because he or she will be gone. 
        I say yes to prop.37 because if the people did not label the products, how will the buyers know if the products are rotten or not. If they start labeling the products the the super market, then people will know where their foods came from and how they are grown.

Friday, October 19, 2012


I voted for Obama because Obama has many accomplishments. He made peace with Russia and does not break the promises he make. He also ended the combat mission in Iraq, banned the use of torture and gained back respectability to the United Nations. Obama also restored the financial system so that this would function. This is why I am voting for Obama and not Romney. 

President Obama, health care, Rolling Stone, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, fossil fuels, Harvard Institute of Politics, 2008 election, 2012 election

Friday, October 12, 2012

Cons of Obama and Romney

Cons of Obama

  • Obama promised a new bipartisan, but he did not keep that promise
  • Small businesses will be hurt because they will have to provide their workers with health care
  • Health care premiums will actually go up and some people say that the health care law is actually a tax

Cons of Romney 
  • Romney would only cover pre-existing conditions and children up to 26.
  • Romney disavowed the plan he made because he noticed that this was a model for Obama's plan
  • Romney does not really no any issues on abortion rights, and gay rights

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pros of Obama and Romney

Pros of Obama
  • More health care for people who cannot afford health care.
  • Oabma will increase more options for consumers.
  • Willing to help adults and children with pre-existing conditions

Pros of Romney
  • Romney raised enough money to keepthe facilities at Park City and maintained the training the athletes needed.
  • Romney was an effective govenor in Massachusetts 
  • Romney has stronger governing skills
I got the information from http://www.reporternews.com/news/2012/oct/16/ann-mcfeatters-the-pros-and-cons-of-obama-and/

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

8th Grade Goals

My 8th grade goals is to have straight A's and get an award. I would also like to get better in solving math word problems. I would also like to be good in tests and get a good grade in every class I get. Another 8th grade goal for me is to study for every test so I can get a good grade on the benchmarks. I  want to not be shy and be more funny and happy and Weird(:. In 8th grade I want to join the soccer team and maybe even the basketball team for girls. I will try to get in both of them by practicing shooting and kicking the ball in the net. 

7th Grade Reflection

My favorite event in 7th grade was when we went to the Tech Museum. This was my favorite event because we got to learn new amazing things about ancient life. This was my favorite because we got to learn in a different but fun way. I also like when we went to Golf Land. Even though I am not good in golf I still had lots of fun! We had pizza and we played lots of games. This was so much fun! Another favorite event that happened in 7th grade that I loved was when we had the PRIDE rally! We got to miss one hour of school because the PRIDE rally happened during six period. I think this event because we had lots of fun and we also got to participate in games!